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#lang br/quicklang
(define (read-syntax path port)
(define moveset-strs (string-split (port->string port)))
(define moveset-datums
(for*/list ([msstr (in-list moveset-strs)])
`(moveset ,@(regexp-match* #rx"." msstr))))
#`(module day01-mod "lang.rkt"
(provide read-syntax)
(define-macro moveset #'list)
(provide moveset)
(define-macro (mb . MOVESETS)
(void (solve (list . MOVESETS)))))
(provide (rename-out [mb #%module-begin]))
(define (do-moveset button moveset)
(for/fold ([button button])
([move (in-list moveset)])
(case move
[("U") '#(1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6)]
[("L") '#(1 1 2 4 4 5 7 7 8)]
[("R") '#(2 3 3 5 6 6 8 9 9)]
[("D") '#(4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9)])
(sub1 button))))
(define starting-button 5)
(define (solve mss)
(for/fold ([button starting-button])
([ms (in-list mss)])
(define result (do-moveset button ms))
(display (string-upcase (number->string result 16)))