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#lang br/quicklang ;;
(provide read-syntax
(rename-out [mb #%module-begin]))
(define (read-syntax path port)
(let ([lines (string-split (port->string port) "\n")])
#`(module mod "lang.rkt"
#,@(for/list ([args (in-list (map string-split (cddr lines)))])
`(node ,@args))))))
(define-macro (mb . NODES)
(define nodes (list . NODES))
(count-viable-pairs nodes)))
(struct $node (pos used avail) #:transparent)
(define-macro (node NAME _ USED AVAIL _)
(apply (λ(r i) (+ (string->number r)
(* (string->number i) +i))) (regexp-match* #px"\\d+" NAME))
(string->number (string-trim USED "T"))
(string->number (string-trim AVAIL "T"))))
(provide node)
(define (count-viable-pairs nodes)
(for*/sum ([a (in-list nodes)]
[b (in-list nodes)]
#:when (and (not (zero? ($node-used a)))
(not (equal? ($node-pos a) ($node-pos b)))
(<= ($node-used a) ($node-avail b))))