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#lang br/quicklang ;;
(require openssl/md5)
(provide read-syntax
(rename-out [mb #%module-begin]))
(define (read-syntax path port)
#`(module mod "lang.rkt"
#,@(string-split (string-trim (port->string port)) ", "))))
(define-macro (mb SIZE INIT)
(display (list->string (checksum (fill-disk (string->list INIT) (string->number SIZE)))))))
(define (dragonize cs)
(append cs '(#\0)
(for/list ([c (in-list (reverse cs))])
(if (eqv? c #\1)
(define (fill-disk init size)
(let loop ([cs init])
(if (>= (length cs) size)
(take cs size)
(loop (dragonize cs)))))
(require sugar/list)
(define (checksum cs)
(let loop ([cs cs])
(if (odd? (length cs))
(for/list ([match (in-list (slice-at cs 2))])
(if (member match '((#\0 #\0) (#\1 #\1)))