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#lang br
(require racket/file rackunit racket/math )
(define (string->asteroids str)
(for*/list ([(row ridx) (in-indexed (string-split str))]
[(col cidx) (in-indexed row)]
#:when (char=? #\# col))
(+ cidx (* +i ridx))))
(define ((count-visible roids) roid-origin)
(length (remove-duplicates (for/list ([roid (in-list roids)]
#:unless (= roid-origin roid))
(angle (- roid roid-origin))))))
(define (find-best roids)
(argmax (count-visible roids) roids))
(check-equal? (find-best (string->asteroids "......#.#.
.#....####")) 5+8i)
(check-equal? (find-best (string->asteroids "#.#...#.#.
.####.###.")) 1+2i)
(check-equal? (find-best (string->asteroids ".#..#..###
.....#.#..")) 6+3i)
(check-equal? (find-best (string->asteroids ".#..##.###...#######
###.##.####.##.#..##")) 11+13i)
;; 1
(define roids (string->asteroids (file->string "10.rktd")))
(define best-roid (find-best roids))
(check-eq? ((count-visible roids) best-roid) 214)
(define (radians roid)
(match (+ pi (angle (* -i (- roid best-roid))))
[(== (* pi 2)) 0]
[res res]))
(check-= (radians 8) 0 0.1)
(check-= (radians 16+16i) (/ pi 2) 0.1)
(check-= (radians 8+24i) pi 0.1)
(check-= (radians +16i) (* 1.5 pi) 0.1)
;; 2
(define (complex->solution c) (+ (* 100 (real-part c)) (imag-part c)))
(group-by radians (sort (remove best-roid roids) < #:key magnitude))
#:key (λ (i) (radians (car i))))