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#lang typed/racket
(require typed/rackunit)
(provide (all-defined-out))
(: nice? (-> String Boolean))
(define (nice? str)
(define (three-vowels? (str : String))
(>= (length (regexp-match* #rx"[aeiou]" str)) 3))
(define (double-letter? (str : String))
(regexp-match #px"(.)\\1" str))
(define (no-kapu? (str : String))
(not (regexp-match #rx"ab|cd|pq|xy" str)))
(and (three-vowels? str)
(double-letter? str)
(no-kapu? str)))
(: q1 (-> (Listof String) Natural))
(define (q1 words)
(length (filter nice? words)))
(: nicer? (-> String Boolean))
(define (nicer? str)
(define (nonoverlapping-pair? (str : String))
(regexp-match #px"(..).*\\1" str))
(define (separated-repeater? (str : String))
(regexp-match #px"(.).\\1" str))
(and (nonoverlapping-pair? str)
(separated-repeater? str) #t))
(: q2 (-> (Listof String) Natural))
(define (q2 words)
(length (filter nicer? words)))
(module+ test
(define input-str (file->lines "../day05-input.txt"))
(check-equal? (q1 input-str) 238)
(check-equal? (q2 input-str) 69))