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#lang debug br
(require racket/file)
(define (nth-mpr mprs n)
(for/fold ([mprs mprs])
([i (in-range n)])
(mcdr mprs)))
(define ()
(match-define (list player-count max-marbles)
(map string->number (regexp-match* #px"\\d+" (file->string "09.txt"))))
(define scores (make-hasheqv))
(define circle (mcons #f (mcons 0 null)))
(let loop ([marble 1] [marbles-in-circle 1] [pos 0])
[(> marble max-marbles) (cdr (argmax cdr (hash->list scores)))]
[(zero? (modulo marble 23))
(define deletion-pos (modulo (+ (- pos 7) marbles-in-circle) marbles-in-circle))
(define last-left-mpr (nth-mpr circle deletion-pos))
(define removed-marble (mcar (mcdr last-left-mpr)))
(set-mcdr! last-left-mpr (mcdr (mcdr last-left-mpr)))
(define player (modulo marble player-count))
(hash-update! scores player (λ (sc) (+ removed-marble marble sc)) 0)
(loop (add1 marble) (sub1 marbles-in-circle) deletion-pos)]
(define next-pos (add1 (modulo (add1 pos) marbles-in-circle)))
(define last-left-mpr (nth-mpr circle next-pos))
(set-mcdr! last-left-mpr (mcons marble (mcdr last-left-mpr)))
(loop (add1 marble) (add1 marbles-in-circle) next-pos)])))
#;(define (★★)
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (time ()) 437654)
#;(check-equal? (time (★★)) 566))