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33 lines
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#lang debug br
(define ps "08.txt")
(define ()
(define (node-value)
(define child-count (read))
(define metadata-count (read))
(+ (for/sum ([c (in-range child-count)])
(for/sum ([c (in-range metadata-count)])
(with-input-from-file ps node-value))
(define (★★)
(define (node-value)
(define child-count (read))
(define metadata-count (read))
(define child-values (for/list ([c (in-range child-count)])
(define metadatas (for/list ([c (in-range metadata-count)])
(if (zero? child-count)
(apply + metadatas)
(for/sum ([md (in-list metadatas)]
#:when (<= 1 md child-count))
(list-ref child-values (sub1 md)))))
(with-input-from-file ps node-value))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (time ()) 44838)
(check-equal? (time (★★)) 22198))