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#lang br
(require racket/file rackunit racket/set)
(define edge-flipped
(let ()
(define cache (make-hasheq))
(define bit-count 10)
(define (edge-flipper x)
(for/sum ([(b i)
(in-indexed (for/list ([b (in-range (sub1 bit-count) -1 -1)])
(bitwise-bit-set? x b)))]
#:when b)
(arithmetic-shift 1 i)))
(λ (x) (hash-ref! cache x (λ () (edge-flipper x))))))
(struct tile (num edges css) #:transparent #:mutable)
(define (tilestr->edgevals tilestr)
(define vec (list->vector (string->list (string-replace tilestr "\n" ""))))
(for/list ([validxs (list (range 10) ; top
(range 9 100 10) ; right
(range 99 89 -1) ; bottom
(range 90 -1 -10) ; left
(for/sum ([idx (in-list validxs)]
[i (in-naturals)]
#:when (char=? (vector-ref vec idx) #\#))
(arithmetic-shift 1 i))))
(define tilestrs (make-hash))
(define tiles
(let* ([recs (string-split (file->string "20.rktd") "Tile")]
[recs (map string-trim recs)])
(for/list ([rec recs])
(match-define (list numstr tilestr) (string-split rec ":"))
(define num (string->number numstr))
(tile num (tilestr->edgevals tilestr) (map string->list (string-split tilestr "\n"))))))
(define (matching-tiles tile [tiles tiles])
(for/list ([edge (in-list (tile-edges tile))])
(for/first ([other-tile (in-list (remove tile tiles))]
(for/or ([other-edge (in-list (tile-edges other-tile))])
(or (eq? edge other-edge) (eq? edge (edge-flipped other-edge)))))
(define (matching-edge-count tile count)
(= count (length (filter values (matching-tiles tile)))))
(define (edge-tile? tile) (matching-edge-count tile 3))
(define (corner-tile? tile) (matching-edge-count tile 2))
(define corners (filter corner-tile? tiles))
(check-equal? (apply * (map tile-num corners)) 15405893262491)
(define first-corner (car corners))
(define tile-grid (make-hasheqv))
(define (flip-css css) (map reverse css))
(define (flip t) (tile (tile-num t) (tile-edges t) (flip-css (tile-css t))))
(define (rotate-css css) (map reverse (apply map list css)))
(define (rotate t) (tile (tile-num t) (tile-edges t) (rotate-css (tile-css t))))
(define (top tile) (first (tile-css tile)))
(define (bottom tile) (last (tile-css tile)))
(define (left tile) (map first (tile-css tile)))
(define (right tile) (map last (tile-css tile)))
(define (joiner tile left-proc right-proc)
(for*/first ([other-tile tiles]
#:unless (eq? (tile-num tile) (tile-num other-tile))
[flip-proc (list values flip)]
[rotate-proc (list values rotate (compose1 rotate rotate) (compose1 rotate rotate rotate))]
[adjusted-tile (in-value (rotate-proc (flip-proc other-tile)))]
#:when (equal? (left-proc tile) (right-proc adjusted-tile)))
(define (insert-joiners! coord)
(define tile (hash-ref tile-grid coord))
(for ([edge-proc (list top left bottom right)]
[opp-edge-proc (list bottom right top left)]
[dir (list +i -1 -i 1)])
(match (joiner tile edge-proc opp-edge-proc)
[#false (void)]
[joiner (hash-set! tile-grid (+ coord dir) joiner)])))
(hash-set! tile-grid 0 first-corner)
(for* ([imag (in-range 12)]
[real (in-range 0 -12 -1)])
(insert-joiners! (+ real (* imag +i))))
(define (trim-edge css)
(drop-right (cdr (map (λ (cs) (drop-right (cdr cs) 1)) css)) 1))
(define actual-image
(for/list ([imag (in-range 11 -1 -1)])
(apply map append
(for/list ([real (in-range -11 1)])
(trim-edge (tile-css (hash-ref tile-grid (+ real (* imag +i))))))))))
(define row-width (length (car actual-image)))
(define (css->vec css) (list->vector (apply append css)))
(define sea-monster-offsets (list 0
(- row-width 18)
(- row-width 13)
(- row-width 12)
(- row-width 7)
(- row-width 6)
(- row-width 1)
(+ row-width 1)
(- (* 2 row-width) 2)
(- (* 2 row-width) 5)
(- (* 2 row-width) 8)
(- (* 2 row-width) 11)
(- (* 2 row-width) 14)
(- (* 2 row-width) 17)))
(define (sea-monster-at? vec idx)
(for/and ([offset (in-list sea-monster-offsets)])
(define pos (+ idx offset))
(< pos (vector-length vec))
(char=? (vector-ref vec pos) #\#))))
(define vec (css->vec (rotate-css (rotate-css (rotate-css actual-image)))))
(define sea-monster-idxs
(for/list ([idx (in-range (vector-length vec))]
#:when (sea-monster-at? vec idx))
(define sea-monster-parts
(for*/set ([idx sea-monster-idxs]
[offset sea-monster-offsets])
(+ idx offset))))
(check-equal? (- (count (λ (c) (char=? #\# c)) (apply append actual-image)) (length sea-monster-parts)) 2133)