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#lang racket
(require rackunit)
(provide read-syntax)
(define (get-dimensions str)
(map string->number (regexp-match* #px"\\d+" str)))
(define (get-faces dimensions)
(define half-faces
(for*/list ([first-pos (in-range (sub1 (length dimensions)))]
[second-pos (in-range (add1 first-pos) (length dimensions))])
(list (list-ref dimensions first-pos) (list-ref dimensions second-pos))))
(append* (make-list 2 half-faces)))
(define (str->paper str)
(define dimensions (get-dimensions str))
(define faces (get-faces dimensions))
(define areas (map (curry apply *) faces))
(define smallest-area (apply min areas))
(apply + smallest-area areas))
(define (str->ribbon str)
(define dimensions (get-dimensions str))
(define faces (get-faces dimensions))
(define perimeters (map (λ(face) (* 2 (apply + face))) faces))
(define smallest-perimeter (apply min perimeters))
(define volume (apply * dimensions))
(+ smallest-perimeter volume))
(check-equal? (str->paper "2x3x4") 58)
(check-equal? (str->paper "1x1x10") 43)
(check-equal? (str->ribbon "2x3x4") 34)
(check-equal? (str->ribbon "1x1x10") 14)
(define (read-syntax source-path-string in-port)
(with-syntax ([source-str (string-trim (port->string in-port))]
[str->paper str->paper]
[str->ribbon str->ribbon])
#'(module _ racket
(define package-strs (string-split 'source-str))
(apply + (map str->paper package-strs))
(apply + (map str->ribbon package-strs)))))