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#lang typed/racket
(require typed/rackunit)
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define first-code 20151125)
(: next-code (-> Integer Integer))
(define (next-code code)
(modulo (* code 252533) 33554393))
(: nth-code (-> Integer Integer))
(define (nth-code n)
(for/fold : Integer ([code-so-far first-code])
([i (in-range (sub1 n))])
(next-code code-so-far)))
(: rc->n (-> Integer Integer Integer))
(define (rc->n row col)
(define first-col-val (add1 (apply + (range row))))
(define col-offset-val (apply + (range (add1 row) (+ row col))))
(+ first-col-val col-offset-val))
(: q1 (-> String Integer))
(define (q1 input-str)
(match-define (list _ row col)
(map (λ ([s : (U #f String)]) (and s (string->number s)))
(or (regexp-match #px"row (\\d+), column (\\d+)" input-str) (error 'bg))))
(nth-code (rc->n (cast row Integer) (cast col Integer))))
(module+ test
(define input-str (file->string "../day25-input.txt"))
(check-equal? (q1 input-str) 19980801))