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#lang br
(require racket/file sugar rackunit racket/set racket/bool)
(define links (for/set ([line (file->lines "12.rktd")])
(list->set (string-split line "-"))))
(define (is-downcase? loc) (equal? (string-downcase loc) loc))
(define (paths-from last-loc links [small-caves (set)])
(match last-loc
["end" '(("end"))]
[loc #:when (and small-caves (set-member? small-caves loc))
(define pruned-links
(for*/set ([previous-locs (in-value (set-remove small-caves loc))]
[link links]
#:when (set-empty? (set-intersect link previous-locs)))
(paths-from last-loc pruned-links #false)]
(define next-lc-visited (cond
[(false? small-caves) #false]
[(and (is-downcase? loc) (not (equal? loc "start")))
(set-add small-caves loc)]
[else small-caves]))
(define links-with-loc (for/set ([link links]
#:when (set-member? link loc))
(define remaining-links (if (or (equal? loc "start")
(and (is-downcase? loc) (not small-caves)))
(set-subtract links links-with-loc)
(for*/list ([link links-with-loc]
[next-loc (in-value (set-first (set-remove link loc)))]
[path (paths-from next-loc remaining-links next-lc-visited)])
(cons loc path))]))
(check-equal? (length (paths-from "start" links #f)) 5576)
(check-equal? (length (paths-from "start" links)) 152837)