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#lang br
(require racket/file rackunit racket/sequence)
(define (parse-input str)
(filter-map string->number (string-split str #rx"=|,|\n|>|<")))
(struct $moon (pos vel) #:transparent #:mutable)
(define (str->moons str)
(for/list ([trip (in-slice 3 (parse-input str))])
($moon trip (list 0 0 0))))
(define (update-pair-velocity! m0 m1)
(define-values (new-m0-vel new-m1-vel)
(for/lists (gm0 gm1)
([m0-pos-item (in-list ($moon-pos m0))]
[m0-vel-item (in-list ($moon-vel m0))]
[m1-pos-item (in-list ($moon-pos m1))]
[m1-vel-item (in-list ($moon-vel m1))])
(define-values (adj-m0 adj-m1)
[(< m0-pos-item m1-pos-item) (values 1 -1)]
[(= m0-pos-item m1-pos-item) (values 0 0)]
[else (values -1 1)]))
(values (+ adj-m0 m0-vel-item) (+ adj-m1 m1-vel-item))))
(set-$moon-vel! m0 new-m0-vel)
(set-$moon-vel! m1 new-m1-vel))
(define (update-position! m)
(set-$moon-pos! m (map + ($moon-pos m) ($moon-vel m))))
(define (update-gravity! moons)
(let loop ([moons moons])
(unless (= 1 (length moons))
(match-define (cons m0 ms) moons)
(for ([m (in-list ms)])
(update-pair-velocity! m0 m))
(loop ms))))
(define (step! moons [count 1])
(for ([i (in-range count)])
(update-gravity! moons)
(for-each update-position! moons))
(define (total-energy moons)
(for/sum ([moon (in-list moons)])
(apply * (for/list ([field-proc (list $moon-pos $moon-vel)])
(for/sum ([val (in-list (field-proc moon))])
(abs val))))))
(total-energy (step! (str->moons "<x=-1, y=0, z=2>
<x=2, y=-10, z=-7>
<x=4, y=-8, z=8>
<x=3, y=5, z=-1>") 10))
(total-energy (step! (str->moons "<x=-8, y=-10, z=0>
<x=5, y=5, z=10>
<x=2, y=-7, z=3>
<x=9, y=-8, z=-3>") 100))
;; 1
(total-energy (step! (str->moons (file->string "12.rktd")) 1000))
;; 2
(define (period str)
(apply lcm
(for*/list ([dim (list first second third)])
(define moons (str->moons str))
(define (get-dims) (for*/list ([moon (in-list moons)]
[field (in-list (list $moon-pos $moon-vel))])
(dim (field moon))))
(define dims0 (get-dims))
(let loop ([count 0])
(step! moons)
(if (andmap = dims0 (get-dims))
(add1 count)
(loop (add1 count)))))))
(period "<x=-1, y=0, z=2>
<x=2, y=-10, z=-7>
<x=4, y=-8, z=8>
<x=3, y=5, z=-1>")
(period "<x=-8, y=-10, z=0>
<x=5, y=5, z=10>
<x=2, y=-7, z=3>
<x=9, y=-8, z=-3>")
(check-eq? (period (file->string "12.rktd")) 307043147758488)