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#lang br/quicklang ;;
(provide read-syntax
(rename-out [mb #%module-begin]))
(define (read-syntax path port)
#`(module mod "lang.rkt"
#,@(for/list ([line (in-list (string-split (port->string port) "\n"))])
`(cons ,@(map string->number (string-split line "-")))))))
(define-macro (mb . RANGE-PAIRS)
(define range-pairs (sort (list . RANGE-PAIRS) < #:key car))
(solve-a range-pairs)
(solve-b range-pairs)))
(define (solve-a range-pairs)
(for/first ([left (in-list range-pairs)]
[right (in-list (cdr range-pairs))]
#:when (> (- (car right) (cdr left)) 1))
(add1 (cdr left))))
(define (find-overlap n ranges)
(and (pair? ranges)
(for/first ([r (in-list ranges)]
#:when (<= (car r) n (cdr r)))
(define (solve-b range-pairs)
(define rps (for/fold ([rps empty])
([rp (in-list (append range-pairs '((4294967295 . 4294967295))))])
(define next-rps rps)
(define left (or
(let ([result (find-overlap (car rp) rps)])
(and result (set! next-rps (remove result next-rps)) (car result)))
(car rp)))
(define right (or
(let ([result (find-overlap (cdr rp) rps)])
(and result (set! next-rps (remove result next-rps)) (cdr result)))
(cdr rp)))
(cons (cons left right) next-rps)))
(define sorted-rps (sort rps < #:key car))
(for/sum ([left (in-list sorted-rps)]
[right (in-list (cdr sorted-rps))]
#:when (> (- (car right) (cdr left)) 1))
(- (car right) (cdr left) 1)))