#lang scribble/lp2 @(require scribble/manual aoc-racket/helper) @aoc-title[11] @link["http://adventofcode.com/day/11"]{The puzzle}. Our @link-rp["day11-input.txt"]{input} is a short alphabetic key that represents a password. @chunk[ ] @section{What's the next password that meets the criteria?} Though the password is alphabetic, we can increment it as we would a numerical password, by changing the rightmost letter to the next letter (for instance @litchar{x} to @litchar{y}, @litchar{y} to @litchar{z}). When we reach @litchar{z}, we roll over to @litchar{a}, and ``carry over'' the surplus by incrementing the letter to the left. Furthermore, like @secref{Day_5}, the puzzle provides certain criteria that must be met: @itemlist[ @item{The password must have a sequence of three consecutive letters (like @litchar{bcd}).} @item{The password may not contain @litchar{i}, @litchar{o}, or @litchar{l}.} @item{The password must contain two different, non-overlapping pairs of letters.} ] As in @secref{Day_5}, we'll use @racket[regexp-match] to implement tests for these conditions. We'll also use @racket[regexp-replace*] to build the function that increments a password alphabetically. Then it's a simple matter of looking at passwords until we find one that works. The @racket[increment-password] function works by using the observation that if the password ends in any number of @litchar{z}s, you have to roll them over to @litchar{a} and increment the letter to the left. Otherwise, you can just increment the last letter — which is actually the same rule, but with zero @litchar{z}s. This logic can all be captured in one regular expression — @racket[#rx"^(.*?)(.)(z*)$"]. The @racket[three-consecutive-letters?] test works by converting the letters to numbers and creating a list of the differences betweeen adjacent values. Any three consecutive letters will differ by value of @racket[1]. So if the list of differences contains the subsequence @racket['(1 1)], then the string has three consecutive letters. @chunk[ (require racket rackunit) (define (increment-password password) (define (increment-letter c) ((compose1 ~a integer->char add1 char->integer car string->list) c)) (match-define (list _ prefix letter-to-increment trailing-zs) (regexp-match #rx"^(.*?)(.)(z*)$" password)) (string-append* (list prefix (increment-letter letter-to-increment) (regexp-replace* #rx"z" trailing-zs "a")))) (define (three-consecutive-letters? str) (define ints (map char->integer (string->list str))) (let loop ([differences (map - (cdr ints) (drop-right ints 1))]) (if (empty? differences) #f (or (list-prefix? '(1 1) differences) (loop (cdr differences)))))) (define (no-iol? str) (not (regexp-match #rx"[iol]" str))) (define (two-nonoverlapping-doubles? str) (regexp-match #px"(\\w)\\1.*?(\\w)\\2" str)) (define (valid? password) (and (three-consecutive-letters? password) (no-iol? password) (two-nonoverlapping-doubles? password))) (define (find-next-valid-password starting-password) (define candidate-pw (increment-password starting-password)) (if (valid? candidate-pw) candidate-pw (find-next-valid-password candidate-pw))) ] @chunk[ (define (q1 input-key) (find-next-valid-password input-key))] @section{What's the next valid password after that?} We take the answer to question 1 and use it as input to the same function. @chunk[ (define (q2 input-key) (find-next-valid-password (q1 input-key))) ] @section{Testing Day 11} @chunk[ (module+ test (define input-key (file->string "day11-input.txt")) (check-equal? (q1 input-key) "hxbxxyzz") (check-equal? (q2 input-key) "hxcaabcc"))]