@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#lang br
(require racket/file rackunit graph)
(require racket/file rackunit graph racket/dict)
(define (string->orbits str)
(for/list ([ln (in-list (string-split str))])
@ -19,4 +19,34 @@
[(dists _) (- (hash-ref dists 'SAN) 2)]))
;; 2
(check-eq? (count-transfers orbit-recs) 382)
(check-eq? (count-transfers orbit-recs) 382)
;; alternate solution, using only lists
(define orbit-dict (for/list ([rec (in-list orbit-recs)])
(cons (second rec) (first rec))))
(define orbit-chains
;; path from each object back to 'COM
(for/list ([orbiter (in-dict-keys orbit-dict)])
(let loop ([chain (list orbiter)])
(match (assq (car chain) orbit-dict)
[#false (reverse chain)]
[(app cdr dest) (loop (cons dest chain))]))))
;; 1
;; orbit count is one less than the length of each chain
(check-eq? (apply + (map sub1 (map length orbit-chains))) 261306)
(define you-chain (assq 'YOU orbit-chains))
(define san-chain (assq 'SAN orbit-chains))
(define common-tail (take-common-prefix (reverse you-chain) (reverse san-chain)))
;; 2
;; answer path is two less than the length of path between YOU and SAN
(- (+ (- (length you-chain) (length common-tail))
(- (length san-chain) (length common-tail)))