@link["http://adventofcode.com/day/10"]{The puzzle}. Our @link-rp["day10-input.txt"]{input} is a short numeric key.
@section{What's the length of the sequence after 40 iterations?}
The puzzle asks us to compute the @italic{look and say} sequence invented by mathematician John Conway. Each iteration of the sequence is the description of the last step if you said it in numbers. So @racket[1] becomes ``one 1'', written @racket[11]; @racket[11] becomes ``two ones'', or @racket[21], then @racket[1211], @racket[111221], and so on.
As in @secref{Day_1}, this puzzle relies on cumulative state, so we'll loop using @racket[for/fold]. To generate the new string for each pass of the loop, we'll use @racket[regexp-match*] to find every contiguous run of digits. Each digit run will be converted into a list with the number of digits and the digit. Then all these lists are concatenated into a new string, and the process repeats.