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34 lines
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4 years ago
#lang br
(require racket/file rackunit racket/sequence racket/set)
(define toks (for/list ([tok (in-port read (open-input-file "08.rktd"))])
(struct $inst (name val))
(define instructions (for/vector ([slice (in-slice 2 toks)])
(apply $inst slice)))
(define (run insts)
(let loop ([acc 0][ptr 0][visited null])
[(eq? ptr (vector-length insts)) (cons 'terminated acc)]
[(memq ptr visited) acc]
(define next-visited (cons ptr visited))
(match (vector-ref insts ptr)
[($inst 'acc val) (loop (+ acc val) (add1 ptr) next-visited)]
[($inst 'jmp val) (loop acc (+ ptr val) next-visited)]
[($inst 'nop val) (loop acc (add1 ptr) next-visited)])])))
(check-equal? (run instructions) 1818)
(define (fix-bug insts)
(for/or ([(inst idx) (in-indexed insts)]
#:when (memq ($inst-name inst) '(jmp nop)))
(define new-insts (vector-copy insts))
(vector-set! insts idx ($inst (if (eq? ($inst-name inst) 'jmp) 'nop 'jmp) ($inst-val inst)))
(match (run new-insts)
[(cons 'terminated acc) acc]
[_ #false])))
(check-equal? (fix-bug instructions) 187)