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8 years ago
#lang br/quicklang ;;
8 years ago
(require openssl/md5)
(provide read-syntax
(rename-out [mb #%module-begin]))
(define (read-syntax path port)
#`(module mod "lang.rkt"
#,(string-trim (port->string port)))))
(define-macro (mb SALT)
8 years ago
(solve SALT)
(parameterize ([key-stretch 2017])
(solve SALT))))
(define key-stretch (make-parameter 0))
(require sugar/cache)
(define/caching (get-hash salt i)
(for/fold ([str (string-downcase (format "~a~a" salt i))])
([i (in-range (key-stretch))])
(md5 (open-input-string str))))
(define (valid? hash salt i)
(let* ([triple-char-pat (pregexp "(.)\\1\\1")]
[result (regexp-match triple-char-pat hash)])
(and result
(let* ([repeated-char (cadr result)]
[penta-char-pat (pregexp (format "(~a)\\1\\1\\1\\1" repeated-char))])
(for/or ([idx (in-range (add1 i) (+ 1001 i))])
(regexp-match penta-char-pat (get-hash salt idx)))))))
(define (solve salt)
(for/fold ([keys empty])
([i (in-naturals)]
#:break (= (length keys) 64))
(define hash (get-hash salt i))
(if (valid? hash salt i)
(report* i hash (cons (cons i hash) keys))