#lang br
(require racket/file rackunit)
(define (stack cards)
(reverse cards))
(define (cut n cards)
(define-values (head tail)
(split-at cards (match n
[(? positive?) n]
[_ (- (length cards) (abs n))])))
(append tail head))
(define (increment n cards)
(define len (length cards))
(define vec (make-vector len))
(for ([(card idx) (in-indexed cards)])
(vector-set! vec (modulo (* idx n) len) card))
(vector->list vec))
(define (run program [deck-size 10])
(for/fold ([cards (range deck-size)])
([ln (in-list (string-split program "\n"))])
(match (string-split ln)
[(list "cut" (app string->number num)) (cut num cards)]
[(list _ _ "increment" (app string->number num)) (increment num cards)]
[_ (stack cards)])))
(run "deal with increment 7
deal into new stack
deal into new stack")
'(0 3 6 9 2 5 8 1 4 7))
(run "cut 6
deal with increment 7
deal into new stack")
'(3 0 7 4 1 8 5 2 9 6))
(run "deal into new stack
cut -2
deal with increment 7
cut 8
cut -4
deal with increment 7
cut 3
deal with increment 9
deal with increment 3
cut -1")
'(9 2 5 8 1 4 7 0 3 6))
;; 1
(check-eq? (index-of (run (file->string "22.rktd") 10007) 2019) 4086)
;; 2
The idea is that the numbers are too large to shuffle the deck directly.
Unlike the previous question, this one asks what card is at a certain position.
So we want to go in reverse: just trace that position backwards through each operation
and figure out where we are at the start.
Also, we are likely going to discover a cycle in the transformations
(that is, card 2020 returns to position 2020 after a while)
and we can use this cycle length to reduce the number of times we have to execute the (un)shuffling.
("Likely" because otherwise this puzzle cannot be computed in reasonable time.)
(define (unstack-pos cardlen pos) (- (sub1 cardlen) pos))
(check-eq? (unstack-pos 10 0) 9)
(check-eq? (unstack-pos 10 9) 0)
(define (uncut-pos cardlen pos n)
(define cut-pos (match n
[(? positive?) n]
[_ (- cardlen (abs n))]))
[(<= (- cardlen cut-pos) pos) (- pos (- cardlen cut-pos))]
[else (+ pos cut-pos)]))
(check-eq? (uncut-pos 10 7 3) 0)
(check-eq? (uncut-pos 10 0 3) 3)
(check-eq? (uncut-pos 10 7 -4) 3)
(check-eq? (uncut-pos 10 0 -4) 6)
(define (unincrement-pos cardlen pos inc)