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47 lines
1.2 KiB

5 years ago
#lang br
(require racket/file racket/dict rackunit)
(define (bug? x) (char=? x #\#))
(define (parse-grid lns)
(for*/list ([(ln row) (in-indexed lns)]
[(c col) (in-indexed ln)])
(cons (make-rectangular col row) c)))
(define (adjacent-bugs g tile)
(for/sum ([delta '(+i -i 1 -1)]
#:when (bug? (dict-ref g (+ tile delta) #\.)))
(define (step g)
(for*/list ([row (in-range 5)]
[col (in-range 5)])
(define tile (make-rectangular col row))
(cons tile
(match (cons (dict-ref g tile) (adjacent-bugs g tile))
[(cons #\# 1) #\#]
[(cons #\# _) #\.]
[(cons #\. (or 1 2)) #\#]
[(cons other _) other]))))
(define (biodiversity-rating g)
(for/sum ([(rec idx) (in-indexed g)]
#:when (bug? (cdr rec)))
(expt 2 idx)))
(define (solve lns)
(let loop ([gs (list (parse-grid lns))])
(define next-g (step (car gs)))
[(member next-g gs) (biodiversity-rating next-g)]
[else (loop (cons next-g gs))])))
(solve (string-split "....#
#....")) 2129920)
;; 1
(check-eq? (solve (file->lines "24.rktd")) 18407158)