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8 years ago
#lang br/quicklang
(require racket/string (for-syntax syntax/strip-context))
(provide read-syntax)
(define (read-syntax path port)
#`(module mod "lang.rkt"
#,@(for/list ([str (in-lines port)]
#:when (not (equal? str "")))
(format-datum '~a str)))))
(define-macro (mb ARG ...)
ARG ...
(provide (rename-out [mb #%module-begin]))
(define bots (make-hash))
(define outputs (make-hash))
(define chip-comparison-key '(17 61))
(define-macro (value VAL goes to TYPE NUM)
(with-pattern ([HASH-NAME (replace-context #'here (suffix-id #'TYPE "s"))])
(hash-update! HASH-NAME NUM (λ (val) (cons VAL val)) empty)
#;(displayln (format "bots: ~v" bots))
#;(displayln (format "outputs: ~v" outputs)))))
(provide value)
(define (bot-low bot)
(define botvals (hash-ref bots bot))
(define minval (car (sort botvals <)))
(hash-set! bots bot (remove minval botvals))
(define (bot-high bot)
(define botvals (hash-ref bots bot))
(define maxval (car (sort botvals >)))
(hash-set! bots bot (remove maxval botvals))
; bot BOT gives low to LOW-TYPE LOW-NUM and high to HIGH-TYPE HIGH-NUM
(define-macro (bot BOT gives low to LOW-TYPE LOW-NUM and high to HIGH-TYPE HIGH-NUM)
#'(module+ main
(when (equal? (sort (hash-ref bots BOT) <) (sort chip-comparison-key <))
(displayln (format "answer: bot ~a holds ~a chips" BOT chip-comparison-key)))
(value (bot-low BOT) goes to LOW-TYPE LOW-NUM)
(value (bot-high BOT) goes to HIGH-TYPE HIGH-NUM)))
(provide bot and)