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36 lines
1000 B

5 years ago
#lang br
(require racket/file rackunit)
(define (string->regs str)
(list->vector (map string->number (string-split str ","))))
(define (solve regs)
(define (deref ptr) (vector-ref regs ptr))
(let loop ([ptr 0])
(match (vector-ref regs ptr)
[(and (or 1 2) opcode)
(vector-set! regs (deref (+ ptr 3))
((match opcode [1 +][_ *])
(deref (deref (+ ptr 1)))
(deref (deref (+ ptr 2)))))
(loop (+ ptr 4))]
[99 regs])))
(define test "1,1,1,4,99,5,6,0,99")
(check-equal? (solve (string->regs test)) '#(30 1 1 4 2 5 6 0 99))
(define (nv-result noun verb)
(define regs (string->regs (file->string "02.rktd")))
(vector-set*! regs 1 noun 2 verb)
(vector-ref (solve regs) 0))
;; 1
(check-eq? (nv-result 12 2) 6730673)
;; 2
(for*/first ([noun (in-range 91)]
[verb (in-range 91)]
#:when (eq? (nv-result noun verb) 19690720))
(+ (* 100 noun) verb))