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54 lines
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4 years ago
#lang br
(require racket/file rackunit racket/set)
(struct rec (ingredients allergens) #:transparent)
(define (parse-recs str)
(for/list ([r (in-list (string-split str "\n"))])
(match-define (list head tail) (string-split r "(contains "))
(apply set (string-split head))
(apply set (string-split (string-trim tail ")") ", ")))))
(define recs (parse-recs (file->string "21.rktd")))
(define all-allergens (apply set-union (map rec-allergens recs)))
(define filtered-recs
(for/list ([allergen (in-set all-allergens)])
(define recs-with-allergen
(filter (λ (r) (set-member? (rec-allergens r) allergen)) recs))
(rec (apply set-intersect (map rec-ingredients recs-with-allergen))
(set allergen))))
(define allergenic-records
(let loop ([acc null][filtered-recs filtered-recs])
[(null? filtered-recs) acc]
(define-values (singletons others)
(partition (λ (r) (= 1 (set-count (rec-ingredients r)))) filtered-recs))
(loop (append singletons acc)
(for/list ([other (in-list others)])
(rec (apply set-subtract (rec-ingredients other)
(map rec-ingredients singletons))
(rec-allergens other))))])))
(define allergenic-ingredients
(apply set-union (map rec-ingredients allergenic-records)))
(define (hypoallergenic-ingredient-count recs)
(for/sum ([r (in-list recs)])
(set-count (set-subtract (rec-ingredients r) allergenic-ingredients))))
(check-equal? (hypoallergenic-ingredient-count recs) 1958)
(define ingredient-list
(let* ([pairs (for/list ([r (in-list allergenic-records)])
(car (map cons (set->list (rec-ingredients r))
(set->list (rec-allergens r)))))]
[pairs (sort pairs #:key cdr string<?)]
[strs (map car pairs)])
(string-join strs ",")))
(check-equal? ingredient-list "xxscc,mjmqst,gzxnc,vvqj,trnnvn,gbcjqbm,dllbjr,nckqzsg")