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9 years ago
#lang scribble/lp2
@(require scribble/manual aoc-racket/helper)
9 years ago
9 years ago
@link[""]{The puzzle}. Our @link-rp["day13-input.txt"]{input} is a list of descriptions of ``happiness units'' that would be gained or lost among eight people sitting next to each other at a dinner table.
@section{What's the optimal happiness score for a seating arrangement of eight?}
This is a lot like @secref{Day_9}, where we had to compute the optimal path between cities. In that puzzle, the distance between city A and city B was a single number. In this case, the ``happiness score'' between person A and person B is the sum of two numbers  A's happiness being next to B, and B's happiness being next to A. (Unlike distances, happiness scores can be negative.)
9 years ago
Also, whereas a path between cities had a start and end, a seating arrangement is circular. So if we model a seating arrangement as a list of people, we have to compute the happiness between each duo of people, but also between the last and first, to capture the circularity of the arrangement.
9 years ago
9 years ago
Those wrinkles noted, we'll proceed as we did in @secref{Day_9}. We'll parse the input data and put the happiness scores into a hash table  the keys will be of the form @racket[(list name1 name2)] and the values will be the happiness scores for that duo, in that order. Then we'll loop through all possible seating arrangements with @racket[in-permutations] and see what the best score is.
9 years ago
(require racket rackunit)
9 years ago
(provide (all-defined-out))
9 years ago
(define happiness-scores (make-hash))
(define (parse-happiness-score ln)
(define result
(regexp-match #px"^(.*?) would (gain|lose) (\\d+) happiness units by sitting next to (.*?)\\.$" (string-downcase ln)))
(when result
(match-define (list _ name1 op amount name2) result)
(hash-set! happiness-scores (list name1 name2)
((if (equal? op "gain") + -) (string->number amount)))))
(define (calculate-happiness table-arrangement)
(define table-arrangement-rotated-one-place
9 years ago
(append (drop table-arrangement 1) (take table-arrangement 1)))
(define clockwise-duos
9 years ago
(map list table-arrangement table-arrangement-rotated-one-place))
9 years ago
(define counterclockwise-duos (map reverse clockwise-duos))
(define all-duos (append clockwise-duos counterclockwise-duos))
(for/sum ([duo (in-list all-duos)])
(hash-ref happiness-scores duo)))
9 years ago
9 years ago
@subsection{Optimizing @racket[in-permutations]}
I'm in a math-jock mood, so let's make a performance optimization. It's unnecessary for this problem, but when we use @racket[in-permutations]  which grows at factorial speed  we should ask how we might prune the options.
9 years ago
Notice that because our seating arrangement is circular, our permutations will include a lot of ``rotationally equivalent'' arrangements e.g., @racket['(A B C ...)] is the same as @racket['(B C ... A)], @racket['(C ... A B)], etc. If we have @racket[_n] elements, each distinct arrangement will have @racket[_n] rotationally equivalent arrangements. We can save time by only checking one of each set.
9 years ago
How? By only looking at arrangements starting with a particular name. Doesn't matter which. This will work because every name has to appear in every arrangement. To do this, we could generate all the permutations and use a @racket[#:when] clause to select the ones we want. But it's even more efficient to only permute @racket[(sub1 _n)] names, and then @racket[cons] our target name onto each partial arrangement, which will produce the same set of arrangements. Thus we only have to generate and score @racket[(/ 1 _n)] of the original permutations.
9 years ago
9 years ago
(define (q1 input-str)
(for-each parse-happiness-score (string-split input-str "\n"))
(define names
(remove-duplicates (flatten (hash-keys happiness-scores))))
(define table-arrangement-scores
9 years ago
(for/list ([partial-table-arrangement (in-permutations (cdr names))])
9 years ago
(define table-arrangement (cons (car names) partial-table-arrangement))
(calculate-happiness table-arrangement)))
9 years ago
(apply max table-arrangement-scores))]
@section{What's the optimal happiness score, including ourself in the seating?}
We can reuse our hash table of @racket[happiness-scores], but we have to update it with scores for ourself seated next to every other person, which in every case is @racket[0]. Then we find the optimal score the same way.
(define (q2 input-str)
(define names
(remove-duplicates (flatten (hash-keys happiness-scores))))
(for ([name (in-list names)])
9 years ago
(define me-duo (list "me" name))
9 years ago
(hash-set*! happiness-scores
9 years ago
me-duo 0
(reverse me-duo) 0))
9 years ago
(define table-arrangement-scores
9 years ago
(for/list ([partial-table-arrangement (in-permutations names)])
9 years ago
(define table-arrangement (cons "me" partial-table-arrangement))
(calculate-happiness table-arrangement)))
9 years ago
(apply max table-arrangement-scores))
9 years ago
9 years ago
@section{Testing Day 13}
(module+ test
(define input-str (file->string "day13-input.txt"))
(check-equal? (q1 input-str) 709)
(check-equal? (q2 input-str) 668))]