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#lang debug br
(require sugar/list gregor)
(define fp (open-input-file "04.txt"))
(define (parse-rec ln)
(match (regexp-match #px"^(\\[.*?\\]) (.*)$" ln)
[(list _ datestr desc) (cons
(parse-datetime datestr "[yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm]")
(define recs
(map parse-rec (port->lines fp)))
(define (make-interval-hash recs)
(define intervals (make-hasheqv))
(for/fold ([guard #f]
[recs (sort recs datetime<? #:key car)]
#:result intervals)
([i (in-naturals)]
#:break (empty? recs))
(match (car recs)
[(cons dt "falls asleep")
(define other-dt (car (second recs)))
(define mins (range (->minutes dt) (->minutes other-dt)))
(hash-update! intervals guard (λ (val) (append mins val)) null)
(values guard (drop recs 2))]
[(cons _ (regexp #px"\\d+" m)) (values (string->number (car m)) (cdr recs))])))
(define (sleepiest h)
(argmax (compose1 length cdr) (hash->list h)))
(define (most-common-minute gms)
(argmax cdr (hash->list (frequency-hash gms))))
(define h (make-interval-hash recs))
(define (★)
(match (sleepiest h)
[(cons guard minutes)
(match (most-common-minute minutes)
[(cons min _) (* guard min)])]))
(define (★★)
(define guard-min-freqs
(for/list ([(k v) (in-hash h)])
(match-define (cons min freq) (most-common-minute v))
(list k min freq)))
(apply * (take (argmax third guard-min-freqs) 2)))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (time (★)) 99759)
(check-equal? (time (★★)) 97884))