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47 lines
1.7 KiB

8 years ago
#lang racket
(require rackunit)
(provide read-syntax)
(define (str->visits str)
(define start '(0 0))
(define moves (map (λ(move) (case move
[("^") '(0 1)]
[("v") '(0 -1)]
[("<") '(-1 0)]
[(">") '(1 0)]))
(regexp-match* #rx"." str)))
(reverse (for/fold ([visit-acc (list start)])
([move (in-list moves)])
(cons (map + move (car visit-acc)) visit-acc))))
(define (str->unique-visits str)
(define visits (str->visits str))
(length (remove-duplicates visits)))
(define (str->robosanta str)
(define-values (reversed-santa-path reversed-robo-path)
(for/fold ([santa-acc empty][robo-acc empty])
([c (in-string str)][pos (in-naturals)])
(if (even? pos)
(values (cons c santa-acc) robo-acc)
(values santa-acc (cons c robo-acc)))))
(define santa-str (string-append* (map ~a (reverse reversed-santa-path))))
(define robo-str (string-append* (map ~a (reverse reversed-robo-path))))
(length (remove-duplicates (append (str->visits santa-str) (str->visits robo-str)))))
(check-equal? (str->unique-visits ">") 2)
(check-equal? (str->unique-visits "^>v<") 4)
(check-equal? (str->robosanta "^v") 3)
(check-equal? (str->robosanta "^>v<") 3)
(check-equal? (str->robosanta "^v^v^v^v^v") 11)
(define (read-syntax source-path-string in-port)
(with-syntax ([source-str (string-trim (port->string in-port))]
[str->unique-visits str->unique-visits]
[str->robosanta str->robosanta])
#'(module _ racket
(str->unique-visits source-str)
(str->robosanta source-str))))