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42 lines
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4 years ago
#lang br
(require racket/file rackunit racket/dict)
(define insts
(for/list ([ln (file->lines "12.rktd")])
(match-define (list _ name dist) (regexp-match #px"(\\D+)(\\d+)" ln))
(cons (string->symbol name) (string->number dist))))
(define left-turn +i)
(define right-turn -i)
(define north +i)
(define east (* north right-turn))
(define south (* east right-turn))
(define west (* south right-turn))
(define (manhattan-dist pos) (+ (abs (real-part pos)) (abs (imag-part pos))))
(define (solve insts [use-waypoint? #false])
(for/fold ([pos 0]
[facing 1]
[waypoint 10+i]
#:result (manhattan-dist pos))
([(name dist) (in-dict insts)])
(case name
(define ref-point (if use-waypoint? waypoint facing))
(values (+ pos (* ref-point dist)) facing waypoint)]
[(N E S W)
(define direction (match name
['S south]
['N north]
['E east]
['W west]))
(define next-pos (if use-waypoint? pos (+ pos (* direction dist))))
(values next-pos facing (+ waypoint (* direction dist)))]
[(L R)
(define rotation
(expt (if (eq? name 'L) left-turn right-turn) (/ dist 90)))
(values pos (* facing rotation) (* waypoint rotation))])))
(check-equal? (solve insts) 1496)
(check-equal? (solve insts #t) 63843)