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43 lines
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43 lines
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4 years ago
#lang br
(require racket/file rackunit)
(define grid
(for*/hasheqv ([(row ridx) (in-indexed (file->lines "11.rktd"))]
[(col cidx) (in-indexed row)])
(values (make-rectangular cidx ridx) col)))
(define (seat-count grid)
(count (λ (val) (char=? val #\#)) (hash-values grid)))
(define offsets '(-1-1i -1 -1+i +i 1+i 1 1-i -i))
(define (visible-occupied-seats grid k [adjacent-only? #false])
(for/sum ([offset (in-list offsets)])
(let loop ([k (+ k offset)] [sum 0])
(match (hash-ref grid k #false)
[#false sum]
[#\# 1]
[#\L 0]
[_ (if adjacent-only?
(loop (+ k offset) sum))]))))
(define (adjacent-occupied-seats grid k) (visible-occupied-seats grid k #true))
(define (iterate grid seat-counter threshold)
(for/hasheqv ([(k v) (in-hash grid)])
(match v
[#\L #:when (zero? (seat-counter grid k)) (values k #\#)]
[#\# #:when (<= threshold (seat-counter grid k)) (values k #\L)]
[_ (values k v)])))
(define (solve grid iteration-proc)
(let loop ([grid grid])
(define next-grid (iteration-proc grid))
(if (eqv? (seat-count grid) (seat-count next-grid))
(seat-count grid)
(solve next-grid iteration-proc))))
(check-equal? (solve grid (λ (grid) (iterate grid adjacent-occupied-seats 4))) 2489)
(check-equal? (solve grid (λ (grid) (iterate grid visible-occupied-seats 5))) 2180)