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52 lines
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7 years ago
#lang br/quicklang ;
(require graph)
(provide read-syntax
(rename-out [mb #%module-begin]))
(define (read-syntax path port)
#`(module mod "lang.rkt"
#,(string-trim (port->string port)))))
(define-macro (mb STR)
(solve STR)))
(define (open? c) (not (equal? c "#")))
(define (solve str)
(define g (undirected-graph empty))
(define ptcols
(for*/list ([(row ridx) (in-indexed (string-split str))]
[(col cidx) (in-indexed (regexp-match* #rx"." row))]
[pt (in-value (+ cidx (* +i ridx)))]
#:when (open? col))
(list pt col)))
(for ([p (in-list ptcols)])
(let ([right (assoc (+ (car p) 1) ptcols)])
(when right (add-edge! g (car p) (car right))))
(let ([down (assoc (+ (car p) +i) ptcols)])
(when down (add-edge! g (car p) (car down)))))
(define colpts (apply hash (flatten (map reverse ptcols))))
(define highest-num (apply max (filter number? (map (compose1 string->number cadr) ptcols))))
(argmin cdr
(for/list ([path-digits (in-permutations (range 1 (add1 highest-num)))])
(cons path-digits
(for/sum ([start-num (in-list (cons 0 path-digits))]
[end-num (in-list path-digits)])
(define start (hash-ref colpts (~a start-num)))
(define stop (hash-ref colpts (~a end-num)))
(define spath (fewest-vertices-path g start stop))
(sub1 (length spath)))))))
(argmin cdr
(for/list ([path-digits (in-permutations (range 1 (add1 highest-num)))])
(cons path-digits
(for/sum ([start-num (in-list (append '(0) path-digits '(0)))]
[end-num (in-list (append path-digits '(0)))])
(define start (hash-ref colpts (~a start-num)))
(define stop (hash-ref colpts (~a end-num)))
(define spath (fewest-vertices-path g start stop))
(sub1 (length spath))))))))