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book-publishing system

Updated 7 months ago

Racket DSL for generating parsers from BNF grammars

Updated 1 year ago

Resources for the “Beautiful Racket” book

Updated 2 years ago

document-layout tools

Updated 2 years ago

generate lists of words

Updated 2 years ago

Convenience functions for working with X-expressions in Racket

Updated 2 years ago

Racket solutions & explanations for the Advent of Code puzzles

Updated 2 years ago

Questions & discussions pertaining to the Pollen publishing system

Updated 2 years ago

Mirror of describe

Updated 2 years ago

Functions that improve the readability of (my) Racket code

Updated 2 years ago

Racket preprocessor for CSS & HTML [unstable]

Updated 2 years ago

Commented Pollen sample project

Updated 2 years ago