+ tail recursion

Matthew Butterick 8 years ago
parent a21ba17450
commit 1e7d5867a4

@ -19,16 +19,14 @@
(define (slicef-and-filter-split-helper xs pred [drop-negated? #f])
(let loop ([xs xs][negating? #f])
(let loop ([xs xs][negating? #f][acc empty])
[(empty? xs) empty]
[(empty? xs) (reverse acc)]
(define loop-pred (if negating? (negate pred) pred))
(define-values (loop-pred-xs other-xs) (splitf-at xs loop-pred))
(define subxs (if (and negating? drop-negated?) empty loop-pred-xs))
(if (empty? subxs)
(loop other-xs (not negating?))
(cons subxs (loop other-xs (not negating?))))])))
(loop other-xs (not negating?) (if (empty? subxs) acc (cons subxs acc)))])))
(define+provide+safe (slicef xs pred)
@ -42,31 +40,28 @@
((list? procedure?) (boolean?) . ->* . list-of-lists?)
(unless (list? xs)
(raise-argument-error 'slicef-at "list?" xs))
(let loop ([xs xs])
(let loop ([xs xs][acc empty])
[(empty? xs) empty]
[(empty? xs) (reverse acc)]
[(pred (car xs))
(define-values (not-pred-xs rest) (splitf-at (cdr xs) (negate pred)))
(cons (cons (car xs) not-pred-xs) (loop rest))]
(loop rest (cons (cons (car xs) not-pred-xs) acc))]
(define-values (not-pred-xs rest) (splitf-at xs (negate pred)))
(if force?
(loop rest)
(cons not-pred-xs (loop rest)))])))
(loop rest (if force? acc (cons not-pred-xs acc)))])))
(define+provide+safe (slicef-after xs pred)
(list? procedure? . -> . list-of-lists?)
(unless (list? xs)
(raise-argument-error 'slicef-after "list?" xs))
(let loop ([xs xs])
(let loop ([xs xs][acc empty])
[(empty? xs) empty]
[(empty? xs) (reverse acc)]
(define-values (not-pred-xs rest) (splitf-at xs (negate pred)))
(if (pair? rest)
(let ([must-be-pred-x (car rest)])
(cons (append not-pred-xs (list must-be-pred-x)) (loop (cdr rest))))
(loop (cdr rest) (cons (append not-pred-xs (list must-be-pred-x)) acc)))
@ -76,12 +71,15 @@
(raise-argument-error 'slice-at "list?" xs))
(unless (and (integer? len) (positive? len))
(raise-argument-error 'slice-at "positive integer for sublist length" len))
(let loop ([xs xs])
(let loop ([xs xs][slices empty])
[(< (length xs) len) (if (or force? (empty? xs)) empty (list xs))]
[(< (length xs) len) (reverse
(if (or force? (empty? xs))
(cons xs slices)))]
(define-values (subxs rest) (split-at xs len))
(cons subxs (loop rest))])))
(loop rest (cons subxs slices))])))
(define+provide+safe (filter-split xs pred)
@ -98,7 +96,7 @@
(raise-argument-error 'frequency-hash "list?" xs))
(define counter (make-hash))
(for ([item (in-list xs)])
(hash-update! counter item add1 0))
(hash-update! counter item add1 0))
(define (->list x)
@ -157,11 +155,11 @@
;; easier to do back to front, because then the list index for each item won't change during the recursion
;; cons a zero onto bps (which may already start with zero) and then use that as the terminating condition
;; because breaking at zero means we've reached the start of the list
(reverse (let loop ([xs xs][bps (reverse (cons 0 bps))])
(if (= (car bps) 0)
(cons xs null) ; return whatever's left, because no more splits are possible
(let-values ([(head tail) (split-at xs (car bps))])
(cons tail (loop head (cdr bps)))))))))
(let loop ([xs xs][bps (reverse (cons 0 bps))][acc empty])
(if (zero? (car bps))
(cons xs acc) ; return whatever's left, because no more splits are possible
(let-values ([(head tail) (split-at xs (car bps))])
(loop head (cdr bps) (cons tail acc)))))))
(define (shift-base xs how-far fill-item cycle caller)
